Present Continuous

The present simple is used to talk about fixed habits or routines - things that don't change.

El present simple s’utilitza per parlar d’hàbits o rutines fixes, coses que no canvien.

The present continuous is used to describe actions that are happening at the present moment but can change or finish.

El present continu s’utilitza per descriure accions que estan succeint en el moment present però que poden canviar o acabar.

Present simple
Present continuous
I play tennis
am playing tennis
You play tennis
You are playing tennis
He/She/It plays tennis
He/She/It is playing
We play tennis
We are playing tennis
They play tennis
They are playing tennis.

It is slightly difficult to differentiate between the two tenses and when to use them. Here are some time expressions such as 'every' and 'sometimes' - used with the present simple and 'now' and 'today' - used with the present continuous.

És difícil diferenciar els dos temps i el moment de fer-los servir. Aquí hi ha algunes expressions temporals com ara "cada" i "de vegades", que s'utilitzen amb el present simple i que "ara" i "avui", que s'utilitzen amb el present continu.

Time expressions using the present simple
Expressions de temps utilitzant el present simple
Time expressions using the present continuous
Expressions temporals que fan servir el present continu
Every - used with segments of time such as days, months and years.
Tots: s'utilitzen amb segments de temps com ara dies, mesos i anys.

She travels to Las Vegas every year.
Jack exercises every day.
Viatja a Las Vegas cada any.
Jack fa exercici cada dia.
Now - Max is watching TV now.
Max està veient la televisió ara.

At the moment - Tilly is doing her homework at the moment.
Tilly està fent els deures en aquest moment.
Sometimes - used to describe occasional actions.
De vegades: s’utilitza per descriure accions puntuals.

They sometimes play golf.
De vegades juguen a golf.
Today - I'm working at school today.
Avui treballo a l’escola

Examples of the Present Simple:
I play football.
I have 2 dogs.
I  am 20.

Exemples del present simple:
Jogo a futbol.
Tinc 2 gossos.
Tinc 20 anys.

Examples of the Present Continuous:
The sun is shining right now.
We are learning English.
I am teaching the present continuous right now.

Exemples del present continu:
El sol brilla ara mateix.
Estem aprenent anglès.
Ara mateix estic ensenyant el present continu.

Present continuous - Positive form

Subject + to be (am, are, is) + present participle (ing form of verb) + object.

Mark is working in the garage at the moment.
We are meeting Tom at five o'clock.
Mark està treballant al garatge en aquest moment.
Ens trobarem amb Tom a les cinc.

Present Continuous  - Negative Form

Subject + to be (am, are, is) + not + verb + objects.

Mary is not (isn't)  watching TV now.
They are not (aren't)  working now - they are having a break.
Is she playing football? - No, she is not  (isn't) playing football. She is playing golf.
Is he wearing trainers? - No, he is wearing boots.

La Maria ara no està mira la televisió.
Ara no estan treballen: tenen un descans.
Està jugant a futbol? - No, no està juga a futbol. Està jugant a golf.
Vesteix entrenadors? - No, porta botes.

Are used in an informal context. Formal phrases such as "They are not working" change into 'They aren't working'.
Another example is "She is not here", which will change into "She isn't here".

S'utilitzen en un context informal. Les frases formals com ara "No funcionen" canvien a "No funcionen".
Un altre exemple és "Ella no és aquí", que es convertirà en "No és aquí".

Present Continuous Question Form
(Question word) + to be (am, are, is) + subject + present participle (ing form of the verb)?
What are you doing?
Where is Matt hiding?
What are they eating?

Formulari de pregunta de present continu
(Paraula de pregunta) + to be (am, are, is) + subject + participi present (ing forma del verb)?
Què estàs fent?
On s’amaga Matt?
Què mengen?

Present Continuous Activity

The children ____________________(play) outside at the moment.
Pauline _________________________(live) in Hong Kong now.
Alexander_______________________(study) for his exams at the moment.
Where________________(you - meet) Carla next week?
She __________________(eat) chicken for lunch.
He _________________(read) a new book now.
They __________________________(prepare) for the English exam next week.
When_______________________(you - have) lunch tomorrow?
We ____________________(joke)!
What____________________(you- do)?
He_____________________(bake) a cake now.
Tom ____________________(work). Can I take a message?
We rarely go out for dinner, but this week we_______________________(go) out on Saturday.
Janet__________________________________(have/eat) breakfast at the moment.

1) The children are playing outside at the moment.
2) Pauline is living in Hong Kong now.
3) Alexander is studying for his exams at the moment.
4)Where are you meeting Carla next week?
5) She is eating chicken for lunch.
6) He is reading a new book now.
7) They are preparing for the English exam next week.
8) When are you having lunch tomorrow?
9) We are joking!
10) What are you doing?
11) He is baking a cake now.
12) Tom is working. Can I take a message?
13) We rarely go out for dinner but this week we are going out on Saturday.
14) Janet is eating/ having breakfast at the moment.


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