Modal verbs - Can and Can't abilities
Using CAN and CANNOT (CAN'T)
- Used to describe abilities (or lack of abilities).
- S’utilitza per descriure habilitats (o manca d’habilitats).
Examples/ Exemples
“I can speak three languages” "Puc parlar tres idiomes"
“I can ski” "Puc esquiar"
“I can’t ride a bike”. "No puc muntar un bicicleta".
"I can't use a computer" "No puc fer servir un ordinador"
There are some difficulties with using CAN/ CAN'T to describe abilities, including:
- the confusion between 'do' and 'can' in positive and negative statements.
- the confusion with other uses of 'can' such as "Can I have another coffee, please?"
"I can't use a computer" "No puc fer servir un ordinador"
There are some difficulties with using CAN/ CAN'T to describe abilities, including:
- the confusion between 'do' and 'can' in positive and negative statements.
- the confusion with other uses of 'can' such as "Can I have another coffee, please?"
Hi ha algunes dificultats amb l'ús de CAN / pot no per descriure habilitats, que inclouen:
- la confusió entre 'fer' i 'pot' en afirmacions positives i negatives.
- la confusió amb altres usos de 'can' com "Un altre cafè, si us plau?"
In negative sentences, the auxiliary verbs “do” and “can” in “I don’t go to any clubs” and “I can’t speak German” go before the main verbs “go” and “speak”. Those same auxiliary verbs are also used at the beginning of questions like “Can you whistle?” and “Do you eat cereal for breakfast?”. The same is obviously true for Wh- questions like “What do you do after breakfast” and “What languages can you speak?”. They are also used for the responses to these questions such as “Yes, I do" and “No, I can’t”.
En les negatives, els verbs auxiliars "do" i "can" en "no puc parlar alemany", per exemple van abans que els verbs principals "go" i "speak". També, aquests mateixos verbs auxiliars s'usen a el principi de preguntes com "Pots xiular?" i "Menges cereal per esmorzar?". El mateix és òbviament cert per Wh- preguntes com "Què fas després de l'esmorzar" i "Quins idiomes pots parlar?". També s'utilitzen per a les respostes a aquestes preguntes com "Sí, jo faig" i "No, no puc".
"Can" has many functions in English other than describing an ability such as "Humans can't breathe in space". Other functions include requests such as "Can you pass me the salt?" and offers such as "Can I help you?"
"Can" té moltes funcions en anglès a més de descriure una habilitat com "Els humans no poden respirar a l'espai". Altres funcions inclouen sol·licituds com "Em pots passar la sal?" i ofertes com "Puc ajudar-te?".
"Can" té moltes funcions en anglès a més de descriure una habilitat com "Els humans no poden respirar a l'espai". Altres funcions inclouen sol·licituds com "Em pots passar la sal?" i ofertes com "Puc ajudar-te?".
There is only one form of modal verbs - CAN/MUST. There is never an 's' at the end - the word stays the same for all subjects:
Només hi ha una manera de verbs modals: CAN / MUST. Mai hi ha una 's' a la fin, la paraula roman igual per a tots els temes:
Només hi ha una manera de verbs modals: CAN / MUST. Mai hi ha una 's' a la fin, la paraula roman igual per a tots els temes:
I can You can
You need to add the infinitive after 'can' such as:
Ha de afegir l'infinitiu després de 'can', com per exemple:
I can swim. You can run fast. He can ride a bike.
She can dance. We can speak French. They can play football.
Puedo nadar. Puedes correr rápido. Él puede montar un bicicleta.
Ella puede bailar. Podemos hablar frances. Pueden jugar al fútbol.
For negative forms, you add "n't" or "not":
Per a les formes negatives, afegiu "not" o "not":
I can't drive a car No puc conduir un cotxe
I cannot drive a motorbike No puc conduir una moto.
Can they speak German? No, they can't. Poden parlar alemany? No, no poden.
Can he speak French? No he cannot. Pot parlar francès? No, no pot.
Correct these sentences
I can swimming. ____________
She cans ride a bike. ___________________
Can you to play cricket? ___________________
Can you to play cricket? ___________________
He not can speak English. ___________________
Can swim they fast? ___________________
Can swim they fast? ___________________
He can to cook dinner. ____________________
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