
Showing posts from March, 2021

Describing yourself and other people

Describing people as well as yourself is very important in all languages - it's great for conversations and can help with your writing skills. Descriure persones i tu mateix és molt important en tots els idiomes; és ideal per a converses i pot ajudar-te amb les teves habilitats d’escriptura. When describing yourself, you use I  and  my.  For example,   I am 22, I have a cat, my favourite colour is pink and my surname is Walker. Quan us descriviu, feu servir jo i el meu. Per exemple, tinc 22 anys, tinc un gat, el meu color preferit és el rosa i el meu cognom és Walker. This is different when you are describing other people. You use she, her, he, his,   they and their. Això és diferent quan descriviu altres persones. Fas servir ells, els seus, ella, ella, ell i els seus. His  name is Tom and he is 23. His favourite city is London. Her  name is Melissa and she is 50. She loves coffee and has 2 daughters. Es diu Tom i en té 23. La seva ciutat pre...

International Women's Day 2021

International Women's Day is observed on the 8th March around the world. It celebrates the cultural, economic, political, and social achievements of women (past and present).  El dia internacional de la dona se celebra el 8 de març a tot el món. Celebra els èxits culturals, econòmics, polítics i socials de les dones (passades i presents). Although it had been a national holiday in some countries during the 19th century, it was adopted by the feminist movement in 1967, where it was used to demonstrate the need for equal pay, women's rights, and the prevention of violence against women. International Women's Day (IWD) was officially recognised by the United Nations in 1975. Tot i que havia estat festa nacional en alguns països durant el segle XIX, va ser adoptada pel moviment feminista el 1967, on es va utilitzar per demostrar la necessitat de la igualtat salarial, els drets de les dones i la prevenció de la violència contra les dones. El Dia Internacional de la Dona (IWD) va...